Do you remember your very first day at work? Sweaty palms, anxiety, internal monologues with never-ending questions – are they going to like me, what if I mess up, how does this microwave even work… what if I create a fire in the office? Luckily for us, some of our Juniors have had the chance to get to know us even before they were officially hired. So… if you’ve ever wondered how the internship program works at CREATEQ just keep on reading.
In the beginning there were… Teams interviews?
Every story needs a beginning, so we’ll start with our HR team. After they get the request for a new internship team they will search through dozens of CVs in search for the best possible candidates. It’s not all about good grades, we must see if the candidates are a good personality fit and if we share the same values. After gallons of coffee, tea and a bunch of interviews, with the help of colleagues from developer teams (team leads, line managers and future mentors) we have a new generation of Full Stack Interns.
Time to code, right?
Well not quite… Our interns start with a guided series of lectures from senior colleagues. This way they have some time to catch up on technologies, learn something new and meet the team. After about a month of lessons, it’s time for their project. With the help of a mentor, interns will choose their roles and work on their own software. In the 3rd month, the interns start getting involved in real work that we do for clients and help out senior colleagues.
Graduation day!
After three months of some challenging work, our Juniors are ready to start working in dedicated teams for clients. After talking to some of our “graduates” we have learned that the first month gets the least amount of love at first, but ends up being the best part because they hear about good practices and tips & tricks from experienced colleagues. A huge part of this journey is mentorship that we provide, so here is a big shout-out to all our mentors!
If all of this sounds interesting to you, make sure to check out our currently open positions or send us your CV so we can reach out when something comes up!